If you are interested in ordering please contact us

How To Order

At True Taste Pork we sell our hogs by the half and whole. We accept deposits to reserve your share. The deposits are non-refundable and go towards the final price. If we do not have any reservations available, we will gladly add yout to our waiting list and notify you if a share becomes available. Waiting list notifications happen on a first come first served basis.

The final cost of your share is determined at butcher time and has two components. The first is the cost of the animal itself, we currently charge $7.50/lb hanging weight. The second component is butchering fees; the make up of this fee varies by butcher, but will range from $2-4/lb hanging weight.

Hanging weight averages about 70% of live weight. The butcher will provide the hanging weight during processing, at which time payments to the farm and butcher will be due.

Order Pickup

Processing dates for the animals are pre-scheduled due to a shortage of USDA licensed butchers. When you placing your order, we will let you know which dates are available. You must be at the farm on the day of processing. This allows you to both work with the butcher to select your cuts, and pay the butcher directly (required by law).

After the animal is fully processed, your pork will be vacuum sealed and ready for you to take home. Please be sure to bring enough coolers/ice for transport to your home.